Multiculturalism and multilingualism form the uniqueness of cultural diversity in Malaysia. The people of Malaysia are widely exposed not just to a multicultural society, but to a multilingual environment where multiple languages are spoken in their daily lives.
These Malaysian art songs portray these unique characteristics of Malaysian-ness: where multiculturalism, multilingualism as well as internationalization have led to lyrics in multiple languages. These include Malay, Chinese, English, and French, based on texts by poets both local and from faraway lands. These compositions show the literary proficiency among Malaysian composers, as well as the diversified society in which Malaysians now live.
This recording is a testament to the artistic contributions of 13 Malaysian composers, from art songs dating back to the 1960s, to present day. It showcases the variety of musical styles and stylistic evolution from the time the country was born, to now, over half a century later.