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About Multicolour VoicesThe Multicolour Voices is a debut CD by Ang Mei Foong, recording art songs composed by Malaysian composers.
Multiculturalism and multilingualism form the uniqueness of cultural diversity in Malaysia. The people of Malaysia are widely exposed not just to a multicultural society, but to a multilingual environment where multiple languages are spoken in their daily lives. These Malaysian art songs portray these unique characteristics of Malaysian-ness: where multiculturalism, multilingualism as well as internationalization have led to lyrics in multiple languages. These include Malay, Chinese, English, and French, based on texts by poets both local and from faraway lands. These compositions show the literary proficiency among Malaysian composers, as well as the diversified society in which Malaysians now live. This recording is a testament to the artistic contributions of 13 Malaysian composers, from art songs dating back to the 1960s, to present day. It showcases the variety of musical styles and stylistic evolution from the time the country was born, to now, over half a century later. 馬來西亞多元文化的獨特性展示在其多種民族與其國民多元語言的能力上。在馬來西亞生活的人們不僅廣泛的接觸多元文化社會,而且日常的談話中也經常涉略多種語言。 在多元文化與國際化的趨勢下,馬來西亞藝術歌曲記載了這些語言的多元性,其藝術歌曲以多種語言創作,包括了馬來語、華語、英語、甚至也包括了法語。這些藝術歌曲體現出馬來西亞作曲家的語言能力,也顯現出這裡豐富多元的社會樣貌。 這張專輯共收錄了13位馬來西亞作曲家從最早的1960年代至2019年的藝術歌曲,展示了馬來西亞近半個世紀藝術歌曲的各種樣貌與風格。 |
Composers陳洛漢 Chan Lok Hung (1911 – 1996)
張材光 Chong Chai Kong (1928 – 2014) 許元良 Khaw Guan Liang (1935 – 2002) 陳徽崇 Tan Hooi Song (1947 – 2008) 黃振文 Ooi Chin Boon (born 1937) 梁學賢 Neo Hup Hiang (born 1976) 黃志偉 Wong Chee Wei (born 1975) 王志遠 Wong Chee Yean (born 1979) 楊朝勝 Yeo Chow Shern (born 1988) Camellia Siti Maya (born 1982) Marzelan Salleh (born 1982) Tazul Tajuddin (born 1969) 余家和 Yii Kah Hoe (born 1970) |
Pianists楊祖儀Iau Jo Yee
陳獻之Samuel Tan 王志遠Wong Chee Yean |
梁學賢 Neo Hup Hiang (born 1976)
Neo Hup Hiang studied in National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, majoring in composition under Prof. Fan-Long Ko.Since 2008, Hup Hiang was commissioned by different performing groups, including Taipei Chamber Singers, Beat Percussion Group, Johor Bahru Chamber Choir etc. He also participated in the Chin Yong Music Festival in 2012 and 2014 respectively, presenting Chinese songs for solo voice with piano and choir pieces. For SMCC Contemporary Music Festival ‘SoundBridge’ in 2013 and 2015, he premiered Whispering City and Silent Voices in ‘Malaysian Voice’ series concerts. The art song, Clair de lune was composed for the ‘Malaysian Mosaic Music’ project in 2014, both CD and score were published by Malaysian Institute of Art.He is currently the head of music department at the Malaysian Institute of Art. |
Pianists Biodata
王志遠 Wong Chee Yean
Chee Yean is a graduate from Indiana University, Bloomington in the US under the tutelage of Mr Emile Naoumoff, who himself was a student of the great pedagogue Nadia Boulanger. As a pianist, Chee Yean has collaborated with some very fine musicians from the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra in their Chamber Music Series over the years. He also frequently works with instrumentalists and singers in Malaysia. A live recording of his performance of Mozart’s 25th Piano Concerto in collaboration with High Winds Ensemble in Yogjakarta was issued by Arts Music Today in Indonesia. As a composer, though never been formally trained, two of his orchestral works, Six Sketches and Triptych, were performed by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Five of his songs for voice and piano published by Chin Yong Music Society have received their premieres in Malaysia, Singapore, China and the U.K. On Huygen’s Aria, commissioned by Joost Flach for High Winds Ensemble was published in Germany by Floricor Edition in 2010. |
Multiculturalism and multilingualism form the uniqueness of cultural diversity in Malaysia. The people of Malaysia are widely exposed not just to a multicultural society, but to a multilingual environment where multiple languages are spoken in their daily lives.
These Malaysian art songs portray these unique characteristics of Malaysian-ness: where multiculturalism, multilingualism as well as internationalization have led to lyrics in multiple languages. These include Malay, Chinese, English, and French, based on texts by poets both local and from faraway lands. These compositions show the literary proficiency among Malaysian composers, as well as the diversified society in which Malaysians now live.
This recording is a testament to the artistic contributions of 13 Malaysian composers, from art songs dating back to the 1960s, to present day. It showcases the variety of musical styles and stylistic evolution from the time the country was born, to now, over half a century later.
01 像一隻小鳥(Circa 1979) 陳洛漢曲 l 謝于對詞 像一隻小鳥 我飛呀飛 飛出了茂密的椰林 沙灘是多麽廣闊空氣又是多清新 呵 我的胸膛有一顆跳躍的心 我要歡笑 我要歌唱 我要追逐海浪和浮雲 像一隻小鳥 我飛呀飛 飛出了茂密的椰林 生活是多麽寶貴 呵 誰要把生活換黃金 誰要把生活換黃金 |
02 這一天(1973) 陳洛漢曲 l 劉戈詞 這一天 這一天的來臨 滿懷歡欣 啦啦啦啦 是盼望了多少的清晨 是等候了多少個黃昏 啦啦啦啦 我要等待 等待這一天來臨 永遠守候 守候到這一天的來臨 永遠等待這一天的來臨 啦啦啦啦 這一天 爲了這一天 曾踏遍了岸邊的沙灘 也數遍了海上的千帆 啦啦啦啦 曾問遍了 曾問遍了天上的白雲 我深信我深信你會重臨 我深信你一定會回我身邊 像雨後鮮麗的溫暖的陽光 照亮了清新的幽靜的海岸 像早晨新鮮的溫和的拂面的風 吹開了嬌艷的待放的花蕾 |
03 黃花(Circa 1963) 張材光曲 l 許建吾詞 這一朵芬芳的黃花 爲什麽擺脫高枝 飄向飄向我的窗前 又怎麽不直落平地 這如果不是有心 難道是真無意 我本想把你悄悄捨起 唯恐你說欺負了你 我又想把你輕輕抛去 又怕你説辜負了你 黃花 黃花也是花 誰能不憐惜 翹首問青天 何從又何去 |
04 迴夢曲 (Circa 1963)
張材光曲 l 黃汀相詞 記得第一次夢中見到你 在靜靜的沙灘海邊 流螢癡癡迷迷地飛過水面 好像你那會説話的眼睛 記得第二次夢中見到你 在美麗的小橋河邊 月光清清楚楚地映在水面 好像是你那無限的深情 忽然你悄悄地離去 只留給我夢一般甜蜜的回憶 雖然有説不盡千言萬語 眼前雪山一片茫茫何處寄? 而今黃昏裏聼杜鵑啼遍 一聲聲呼喚你 告訴我小燕子可知道你在哪裏? 告訴我小燕子可聽到你的消息 |
05 彤雲天邊飛(1988)
黃振文曲 l 黃振文詞 彤雲天邊飛 碧水映落暉 懷念你幸福的人兒 常留音影我心扉 花間蝶兒徘徊 樹上鶯兒依偎 懷念你幸福的人兒 何時音影還相隨 失落迷人的歡笑 空留下無盡惆悵 怎奈那萬水千山 懷念的人兒在何方 月兒斷雲山夢迴 相見歡那堪留醉 祝福你夢中的人兒 祝福你永遠光輝! |
06 你是人間的四月天(1995年)
黃振文曲 l 林徽因詩 我說你是人間的四月天 笑響點亮了四面風 輕靈在春的光艷中交舞著變 你是四月早天裡的雲煙 黃昏吹著風的軟 星子在無意中閃 細雨點灑在花前 那輕那聘婷 你是鮮妍百花的冠冕你戴著 你是天真莊嚴 你是夜夜的月圓 雪化後那片鵝黃 你像新鮮初放的綠 你是柔嫩喜悅水光 浮動著你夢期待中白蓮 你是一樹一樹的花開 是燕在梁間呢喃 你是愛是暖 是詩的一篇 你是人間的四月天! |
07 聼彈琴(2012)
梁學賢曲 l 柳長卿詞 泠泠七絃上 啊靜聽松風寒 啊古調雖自愛 今人多不彈 泠泠七絃上 靜聽松風寒 |
08 茨廠街(2012)
梁學賢曲 l 方路詩 一些過時的窗 堅持站在那裡 把時間也站成自己的庭院 仔細凝視 四周還掉下許多回音 撿起來是燙燙的往事 窗口堅持站在那兒 打開兩扇門 開向一尊黑色的田野 一座完整的深淵 有時裡面擠出一些光影 黑暗中老人在擦亮火柴 擦亮歲月的臉廓 點上生鏽的煙味 街上的喧嘩 不久就交給閤眼的窗 |
09 Clair de Lune (2014)
梁學賢曲 | Poem by Paul Verlaine Votre âme est un paysage choisi Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques Jouant du luth et dansant et quasi Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques. Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur L'amour vainqueur et la vie opportune Ils n'ont pas l'air de croire à leur bonheur Et leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune, Au calme clair de lune triste et beau, Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres Et sangloter d'extase les jets d'eau, Les grands jets d'eau sveltes parmi les marbres |
10 圓月中秋(2008)
黃志偉曲 l 曾小慧詞 十七岁的邂逅 已掠去了我的愛情 一年一年的等待 青春已是秋季 中秋圆月 就像一面透亮的鏡子 裏面没有你的名字 惆悵在我心裏面 乾渴的靈魂 盼望滴水的温情 一年一年的等待 青春已是秋季 中秋圆月 就像一面透亮的鏡子 裏面没有你的名字 惆悵在我心裏面 十七岁的邂逅 你在哪裏 |
11 這一條路(2010)
黃志偉曲 l 蔡德强詩 祇因有夢我們走出熱帶雨林 赤道重心在這條瘦小的路上 熬盡盛年的風華 秋天剛蹣跚走過我們已數落多少鄉思 入冬以後我們還剩餘多少豪情 在深寒的夜裏解凍 窗外那一條熟悉的路 還在蒼涼的夜裏等待黎明 我們都亮起心燈 窗外那一條熟悉的路 還在蒼涼的夜裏等待黎明 我們都亮起心燈 照亮路的方向夢的方向 這條路走過的日子 是記憶裏不能撤離的歲月 是一輩子的事 |
12 愛的詩歌-情緣(2017)
黃志偉曲 l 曾小慧詞 天賜良緣讓我遇見你 不知何時你走進我心裏 你的畫面浮現在我眼前 天賜良緣讓我遇見你 不知何時你走進我心裏 你的畫面浮現在我眼前 紅顔彈指唯有你情纏綿 淚眼回首珍惜彼此擁有 紅顔彈指唯有你情纏綿 淚眼回首珍惜彼此擁有 紅顔彈指唯有你情纏綿 淚眼回首珍惜彼此擁有 你住在我心裏 已經很久已經很久 |
黃志偉曲 l 徐志摩詩
你的笑語 你的臉
你的笑語 你的臉
01 再戀 (Circa 1964) 許元良曲 l 楊可均詞 消失了的影子又輕輕地浮現 舊夢重添了新恨 枯樹又萌芽生葉 幽靜林間又聞鳥聲 使我再戀再戀 使我再戀再戀 幽靜林間又聞鳥聲 使我再戀再戀 使我再戀再戀 |
02 鄉村來的消息 (Circa 1998) 許元良曲 | Tongkat Warrant 詩 l 谷衣譯詞 爸爸的信是那麽使我痛心 樹膠賣不掉米倉空虛 世間所有的嘆息變成了幽靈 這裏有獵人人數沒法估計 在漫漫的長夜裏槍聲四起 孩子呵你可千萬別回來 沒眼睛的子彈會找到你頭上來 啊 爸爸的信是那麽使我痛心 樹膠賣不掉米倉空虛 世間所有的嘆息變成了幽靈 這裏有獵人人數沒法估計 在漫漫的長夜裏槍聲四起 孩子呵你可千萬別回來 沒眼睛的子彈會找到你頭上來 啊 苦上加霜苦痛難當 |
03 花踪之歌 (1991) 陳徽崇曲 l 陳再藩(小曼)詩 飄洋便過了海披荊就斬了棘 落地也生了根 靜靜開花緩緩結果 海水到處有華人華人到處有花踪 飄洋便過了海披荊就斬了棘 落地也生了根 靜靜開花緩緩結果 海水到處有華人華人到處有花踪 |
04 悟 (1970s)
陳徽崇曲 l 杜南發詩 當你回眸自千里蒼茫處 始知鄉愁已不復陌生 亦非雙翼勉强的瀟灑所能負荷 而你只能舉杯獨醉 在千里外的江湖獨解 那千年不解的結 而你只能高歌擊節 只能淡淡數落眾花凄迷的往事 暮色裏你將驚覺 逍遙已非你唯一的知音 當星湧天際萬里蒼茫之外 你已非忘鄉的游子 亦非當年把酒燈下一盞未盡的話題 |
05 When We Two Parted (2012)
王志遠曲 | Poem by Lord Byron When we two parted in silence and tears Half brokenhearted to sever for years Pale grew the cheek and cold Colder thy kiss Truly the hour foretold Sorrow to this The dew of the morning Sank chill on my brow It felt like the warning of what I feel now Thy vows are all broken And light is thy fame I hear my name spoken And share in its shame They name thee before me A knell to mine ear A shudder comes o'er me Why wert thou so dear? They know not I knew thee Who knew thee too well Long, long shall I rue thee Too deeply to tell In secret we met In silence I grieve, That thy heart could forget Thy spirit deceive If I should meet thee After long years How should I greet thee With silence and tears. |
06 Echo (2019)
王志遠曲 | Poem by Christina Rossetti Come to me, in the silence of the night; Come in the speaking silence of a dream; Come with rounded soft cheeks and eyes as bright as sunlight on a stream; Come back in tears, Come back in tears, O memory, O hope, O love of finished years. O dream, how sweet, too sweet, too bitter sweet, Whose wakening should have been in Paradise, Where souls brimfull of love abide and meet; Where thirsting and longing eyes watch the slow [door]¹ That opening, letting in, [lets]²out no more. Come back to me in dreams, that I may give pulse for pulse, breath for breath: Speak low, lean low, As long ago, my love, how long ago. As long ago, how long ago, how long ago. ¹Wong, C.Y. : “down” (first edition) ²Wong, C.Y. : “let” (first edition) |
07 O! Never Say that I was False of Heart (2016)
王志遠曲 l Sonnet by Shakespeare O! Never, never say that I was false of heart, Though absence seemed my flame to qualify, As easy might I from myself depart, As easy might I from myself depart, As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie: That is my home of love; if I have ranged, Like him that travels I return again, Just to the time, not with the time exchanged, So that myself bring water for my stain. Never believe though in my nature reigned, All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, That it could so preposterously be stained, To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all. |
08 星遇 (2010)
楊朝勝曲 l 吳岸詩 我們曾是幼小的星星 在一個黃昏帶一片純真 躍離母親的懷抱 到這混沌的宇宙運行 你迎著黑暗的道路 去追求那遙遠的光 我探著寒冷的雲霧 尋覓我夢裏的溫 我們越過了多少星海雲河 各自航向無垠 在億萬星【族】¹ 中迷失了自身 而光年流轉 多少星【族】² 消殞 蒼茫中何處能再見你我幼時的星影 昨夜秋風過扶桑 晴空萬里竟與你相遇 你見我嶙峋 我見你崢嶸 你在我的擁抱中 感到了我内心的炙熱 我在你的熱淚裏 驚詫與你通體的光明! ¹楊朝勝:“星辰” ² 楊朝勝:“星辰” |
09 Nona (2015)
楊朝勝曲 l 楊朝勝詞 Nona Nona Jinkly! Jinkly Nona! Nona, Where are you? |
10 Menambat Rakit (2019)
Composed by Camellia Siti Maya Puisi oleh A. Samad Said Sesudah demikian lama dicintai sukarlah dilupakan Inti pengalaman, kepedihan akar kerinduan keresahan Memang begitu banyak diperlukan kekuatan kepangkalan batin rakit ditambatkan bara kenangan dikuatkan Akhirnya tak terduga kekuatan membuak sendiri Ooh dan disedari semua takkan sampai ke dasar inti A-ha, oh-ha Tiada lagi bezanya sama ada hilangnya kemudian atau tenggelamnya sekarang Tiada juga bezanya jika ia langsung tak datang atau tiba-tiba terkorban Kepiluan yang berlanjut akhirnya, ditenterami keyakinan, betapa dielak pun takdir tetap terbuka pintunya Bertanya manusia engkau ini sebenar-benarnya siapa |
11 Cermin Edina (2019)
Composed by Marzelan Salleh Lirik oleh Marzelan Salleh Dengar dengarkanlah Oh Kau sampaikanlah Angin bawakanlah Khabar rasa ini untuknya Oh Tuhan tolonglahku Oh Kau sampaikanlah Doaku yang iklhas untuk dia cerminmu ku pinta Kau dengar dengarkanlah jiwa ini memanggil Manggil cerminmu oh Kau dengar dengarkanlah jiwa ini memanggil dia oh si dia Cemin itu oh berikan cermin itu berikan Oh berikanku oh Cermin itu Serahkanlah oh Adindamu oh batinku merindu A Tuhan tolonglahku Oh Kau sampaikanlah Doaku yang ikhlas untuk dia cerminmu Edina. |
12 Mimpi dalam Lagu (1994, revised 2010)
Composed by Tazul Tajuddin Lirik oleh Tazul Tajuddin Mimpi sayup sunyi sepi Mimpi sayup sunyi sepi Mimpi sayup sunyi sepi Suara senyap jeritan bisikan Mimpi mimpi kedengaran Tangikan derita peritan piluan Mimpi mimpi Denyutan hembusan sahutan tangisan Degupan nadian bunyian mimpi mimpi Sahutan degupan nadian bunyian Mimpi mimpi mimpi Lambaian daun tangisan Mimpi sayup mimpi sayup |
Composed by Yii Kah Hoe 余家和
Poem by A. Samad Said
Dilihatnya gagak yang lara
kini kejang di parit
antara pejabat pos dan pangsapuri.
Disaksinya cungapan seorang
pesara, sawan seorang bayi
di klinik sesak sepagi,
semakin kurang dimengerti
inti kemakmuran jasmani.
Kerana di sini hanya kawasan
bersih bagi kehidupan cicitnya,
dituntutnya usah
dungu mencemari rimba
yang tak akan dapat lagi
subur menyegari buminya
tanpa sedia bermaruah,
beratus tahun, merancangnya.